Other Tax Forms
At Horus Firm, we can help you with the submission of other less common tax forms that the treasury might request from you to check compliance with your business’ legal obligations.
What tax forms can we help with at Horus Firm?
Here are just some of the other tax forms that we work with at Horus Firm:
- Modelo 303: VAT declaration.
- Modelo 216: Income tax for non-residents.
- Modelo 211: Withholdings and payments of tax applied to property sales by non-residents.
- Modelo 950: Declaration of tax on stays in tourist establishments.
- Modelo 349: Summary declaration of intracommunity transactions.
- Modelo 123: Withholdings and payments relating to income tax, corporation tax and non-resident income tax.
- Modelo 840: Declaration of registration, modification or cessation of economic activity and communication of net turnover.
- Modelo 650: Inheritance and donations tax.
- Modelo 600: Capital gains tax.
- Modelo 210: Income tax on non-residents without a permanent establishment.
- Modelo 322: VAT for corporate groups.
- Modelo 714: Assets tax.
- Modelo 220: Corporation tax for corporate groups.
Get in contact with us and we will help you with the declarations that apply to your business.